“You don’t have to control your thoughts, just don’t let your thoughts control you”
We all need mental wellness. Mental wellness is a fundamental requirement to find happiness, to balance out our emotions and to be mind healthy. It can be harder for some than others, for some it comes naturally whereas some of us are wired wrong. Despite flaws in our chemistry we can learn our behaviours and responses to situations and arm ourselves with the tools we need to cope better.
For me mental wellness is a daily battle, from one day to the next I’m not sure how I will react to certain situations, I learn as many coping techniques as I can and hope that’s enough to see each day through.
My motivation for this wellness comes from wanting to see others heal and be happy too. It makes me so sad to think of anyone who is battling alone, it can feel so desperate sometimes. I have found myself lost in the darkness and it takes such a great deal of strength to remind myself that I have the light inside to guide me out of it.
I want others to know that the light at the end of the tunnel is a mirror reflecting the light coming from you.
