Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes
Stay true to yourself, listen to your heart. The more you listen, the more you will get to know who you are.
Choices are yours to make, no one else lives out your life, so choose carefully. If it feels right for you, then its right.
Listen to your elders. An under rated phrase you have probably heard many times before. But they have lived through many experiences already and can offer you good advice.
The more knowledge you have the better equipped you are to find solutions to your problems.
Be grateful. Moments come and go so quickly, cherish all that you have now.
Stop thinking about things that do not matter, focus on the things that are important to you.
Be your own champion and not your worst enemy. Stop talking yourself out of things, talk yourself up.
Find what you love doing and keep doing it.
Practice mindfulness. Bring yourself back to the present moment. Stop regretting the past and worrying about the future.
Be honest with yourself. We all have flaws, but we all have things we are good at too. If you look at it objectively, you will stop caring what other people think of you.
Bullying is wrong, you know that, so why do you torment yourself? Stop focusing on things people have said that have upset you, they are still bringing you down.
Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
Everyone is equal. No one person is more deserving than another. No one else in this world is like you and that is what makes you special. Your character traits are your beauty.
Everyone has a story. Stories may be similar in some ways, but none are the same. Everyone is an adventure waiting to be told.
Never be afraid to ask questions. There is more to afraid of in ignorance than there is seeking knowledge.
We spend our lives learning so spend your time wisely.
Nothing is easier. It takes a lot of hard work to get to where you want to be.
Be brave and reach out. There is always someone waiting to listen.
There will be many setbacks in life and many obstacles to overcome but they are not reasons to give up. They are reasons to motivate yourself into overcoming them and you will be stronger for it.